Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Study Plan Update

Although I have hardly been perfect in doing one post per day, my post frequency may decrease further from this point forward. Rather than trying to complete one post per day, I am imposing a time limit on my study each day. This will allow me to focus more fully on family duties.

Some posts don't take very long at all, while other posts seem to take forever (usually because they contain so much valuable information). So, I really don't know what frequency my posts will take on from this point forward. Just know that a post will not go up until it is complete. The date that appears on the post is the date the post was started, even if it is not posted until several days later.

I also am going to try to do better at labeling each post. In my rush to get the post done for the day I have neglected adding labels to most of my posts - this is something I would like to change.

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